diamond tool problems

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Diamond Tools




Diamond tools are widely use in the construction, mining and manufacturing industries since they are one of the hardest materials and most efficient in cutting. Nevertheless, one cannot always avoid various problems with the tools, even if they are produce by the most experienced manufacturers such as Jain Diamond Tools. Such issues are common and it is important to be acquaint with them in order to prolong the life of the tools and possibly fix them if required. Here is the list of the most common problems which can met when use diamond tools and some tips for their correction


1. Diamond Tool Glazing



This is seen when the tool is polish and becomes smooth with the facets reflecting light, hence reduces cutting ability. This usually occurs when the bond is manufacture beyond the capacity of the material that is being cut, hence the diamond particles are worn out without any new sharp edge being expose.




  • Use a Softer Bond: By moving to a tool with a less aggressive bond it will enable the diamonds to wear at the correct rate, which exposes new cutting edges.
  • Increase Feed Rate: Thus, increasing the feed rate can wear the bond, and, therefore, new diamonds will appear on the surface.
  • Dress the Tool: With the help of dressing stone, it is possible to expose new diamonds on the tool’s working part by hand.

2. Excessive Tool Wear



Wearing increases the rate at which your diamond tools wear out hence you will have to replace them more often and this will prove costly. This is a common issue that stems from employing an improper instrument relative to the material or working under the wrong assumption.



  • Select the Right Tool: Make certain that the diamond tool you are employing is correct for the material you are applying on. Jain Diamond Tools is the-exempt company that deals with an extensive product range suitable for diverse needs.
  • Optimize Operating Parameters: For this challenge, amperage value has to be decrease as well as cutting speed, feeds per minute, and metal mold cooling. Reduced speed and allowing proper time for the tools, to cool can greatly help to increase the life time of the tools.
  • Check for Machine Vibration: Vibration: The shocks should not vibrate too much, since this is known to contribute to equal wearing. Check that your machine is well set and does not have any form of vibration.

3. Chipping or Cracking of the Diamond Tool


Flaking or crazing can be attribute through fatigue, application of excessive pressure on the tool, wrong mounting of the carbide or thermal stresses. Even though this saves on time it also compromises on the quality of the cuts and the lifespan of the tool.


  • Use Proper Mounting Techniques: Make sure it is anchore/capture in the right position and a right clearance with the machine spindle. If it is mount improperly the pressure distribute on the belt will not be even and this leads to chipping.
  • Reduce Cutting Force: One should reduce the feed rate and depth of cut to minimize the stress on the tool.
  • Avoid Thermal Shock: It is found that gradual cooling and gradual heating of the tool can help avoid getting a crack. While advising on the handling of the Jain Diamond Tools’ products, it is state that they possess high thermal stability, although any change in temperature should be control accessorily.


4. Slow Cutting Speed



One of the problems frequently encountered work causing a reduction in the cutting speed is tool glazing, tool wear, or improper selection of the tool.



  • Check for Glazing: If the tool is glaze, it is recommend that the appropriate measures that have been highlight above should be follow.
  • Use the Right Tool for the Job: See to it that the tool is suitable for the work being done and the material these are the commonly apply practical tips. This way, Jain Diamond Tool provides many choices which refer to diverse material, starting with the concrete and ending with ceramics.
  • Maintain Optimal Speed: Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, one has to adjust the cutting speed. Some problems could arise when a business operation is too fast or too slow.

5. Overheating


Consequently, the following issues may arise: Tool deformations, Diamond particle shedding and, in severe cases, tool failure. This is mostly as a result of poor cooling or high rates of cutting speeds.


  • Ensure Adequate Cooling: Ensure you have enough coolant to cool the cutting tool since this helps in controlling the temperatures. Every Jain Diamond Tools brand tool has a recommendation to be use with water or synthetic coolants to improve the tool performance.
  • Reduce Cutting Speed: In order to reduce heat generation it is possible to lower the cutting speed.
  • Inspect Coolant Flow: Be sure the coolant flows to the tool in a steady and even manner.

6. Tool Vibration


High amplitude vibrations lead to poor surface finish, uneven wear and even the damage of the tool if adopted. This is mostly as a result of poor setting in of the machines or the balance of the tool.


  • Check Machine Setup: Check whether the measuring parts have been set right or not and also make sure that all the parts have been well fix.
  • Balance the Tool: One side being heaver than the other makes the tool vibrate. Balance the tool and fix any misalignment in the direction it is advise to go.
  • Inspect for Wear: Bear, or any other component of the machine that are worn deteriorat can also cause vibration. This problem unfortunately can be evad by regular check on the car’s maintenance.

7. Material Buildup on the Tool


Another adverse affect which implants on the Cutting tool is known as loading, whereby material accumulates on the surface of the tool and the debris cling on the tool surface blunting it thereby lowering its effective cutting ability. This is prevalent when cutting softer material.


  • Use the Right Tool: Make sure that you diamond tool is fit to tackle the material you are working on. Soft material tools which are use in operations that minimize loading are also feature in Jain Diamond Tool list.
  • Increase Coolant Flow: A steady flow through the cooler is beneficial to clear any debris which may have accumulated and avoided clogging.
  • Clean the Tool: This type of tool should be wash with a wire brush or a chemical cleaner whenever it is fill with material.

8. Uneven Cutting


Isocutan rates dictate poor surfaces and can be due to improper positioning of cutting tool, vibration, or the blade being dull.


  • Check Tool Alignment: Make sure that the tool can be properly position in relative to the workpiece to be machine.. Issues can occur where the cutting blade is not at optimum position or is worn out thus leads to misalignment this will lead to wrongly shape edges.
  • Inspect for Wear: Another factor that may lead to this is improper wearing of tools, whereby some of the tools will be worn out more than others. The tool need to be replace if it is worn out.
  • Reduce Vibration: To reduce waviness when cutting, it is advise to follow the mention steps to reduce homosal vibration of the machine.

9. Loss of Diamond Segments


Steel bonds in router can break, which detract form the overall cutting capacity of the tool as well as pose a risk to the user. This is actually resulting from mishandling or other problems with manufacture that are beyond the normal wear of normal items use by individuals in this society.


  • Use the Tool Correctly: Learn how to use the tools properly You have to be sure that you are using the tools in the right way and this you have to follow the manufacturer’s instruction. If the tool is overburden, then some segments lost due to this reason.
  • Inspect the Tool Regularly: routine checks can also be useful in the early prediction of such problems, which causes loss of segments.
  • Choose Quality Tools: Make a point of getting a machine from the right dealer in diamond tools such as Jain Diamond Tools so that you can get a quality machine that will last long.

10. Short Tool Life


Tool wear shortens life increases costs and time. This may be due to a number of reasons such as using the wrong tools and equipment, using them in the wrong manner and or not maintaining them correctly.


  • Select the Right Tool: Here, it is advisable to ensure that you are using the right tool pertaining to your requirements. From the origins Jain Diamond Tool gives many variants, with defining a certain need.
  • Follow Proper Usage Guidelines: Convey more material on the use of the right speed of cutting and feed rate and methods of cooling so as to increase the useful life of the instruments.
  • Regular Maintenance: Always wash and check up on the tool since it is also prone to wear and tear as much as the implements themselves.


The main idea is that it is highly important to know how to solve the most frequent problems relating to diamond tools to prevent their usage deterioration. No matter if you are face with such issues as glazing, excessive wear, or overheating, understanding the causes and using the proper approach can assist to get more value out of that kind of constructions. Jain Diamond Tools is specialize in Diamond tools and has top quality product line for the professional application. With the help of the described troubleshooting tips of this blog, you will be able to maintain the highest level of productivity and longevity of diamond tools.

To know more about diamond tools or to browse through the various diamond tools that Jain Diamond Tools offer, your number one diamond tools supplier. If for any reason you need help or have a question, you can reach our team of specialists. Do not wait to contact us for any of your diamond tool necessities.


Q1: How can I prevent my diamond tools from glazing?

Glazing is cutting and this can be prevent by making sure that you are using the right tool, for the type of material that you are cutting, with a softer bond. You can also increase the feed rate in order to reveal new diamonds, or dress the tool with the help of a dressing stone.

Q2: Why are my diamond tools wearing out too quickly?

Wear is cause by wrong choice of tool for the material, wrong feed and speed rates or inadequate cooling. Choose the proper tool for the specific application, optimize the value of cutting parameters, and cool your tool adequately to get more use from it.

Q3: What causes chipping or cracking of diamond tools?

  Chipping in the mirror merchandise may be cause by force, wrong method of mounting, or thermal shock. This can be prevent by; making sure the tool is well fix on the machine, try to minimize cutting forces, and try not to make drastic changes in temperature.

Q4: What should I do if my diamond tool is cutting too slowly?

Tool may also blaze, wear out or the wrong tool might be use in cutting and this may lead to slow cutting speed. Chap seems to have glazed, replaced worn tools, and made sure you were using the correct tool for the material.

Q5: How can I prevent my diamond tool from overheating?

A5: To avoid excessive heat build-up, the user must increase coolants circulation, decrease speed and check on coolant system. Further, adequate cooling is necessary for the proper working of the tool as well as preserving its condition.


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